I woke up at 7 to finish packing and get ready to leave for the airportby 10, then got to the airport, checked in and through security within 45 minutes. Our flight wasn't until 1, so we had time to kill.
We got lunch, played some cards and then went to sit down by our gate. Around 1:05 we were wondering why they hadn't announced our flight, so we went to ask at the desk and we had COMPLETELY MISSED our flight. While sitting at the gate. Apparently they announced it several times and called our names. SEVEN OF US DIDN'T HEAR IT. SEVEN!
So redic. I've never missed a flight before, and it's particularly embarrassing that I missed it not by being stuck in traffic or sleeping late, but by sitting in the gate next door and not being able to hear an announcement. UUBER LAMESAUCE!
So, after a few hours..ok 6 and a half...of trying to catch a flight to California, we decided to cut our trip in half-ish...thus, tonight I am in Chi-town. City of deep dish, Kanye and the Cubs.
Tomorrow I will be flying to LA (heeeeeeerrrrrrppppfully.)
le sigh!
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