Tuesday, January 8, 2013

FYI, I'm blogging over at 

You know, in case you were wondering, dear interweb.

It's going to be real fun; loads of snark and sass. Come see!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Faces of Judgement.

This is going to be the summer where, according to my friends, we take pictures everytime we go out "so it looks like we actually have friends and aren't losers."  This is an actual quote. We actually live quite close to, if not on the boarder of loser-ville. I cannot express this enough.

So, obviously since photos were going to be taken, I have subconsciously decided to start the summer off on the right foot by going crazy and ruining photos by unleashing my insanity and loser-ville antics for the world to see. 

Be a witness my insanity and genuine loserness:

I have the look of a crazed person. Notice the devil staring at you through my laser beam eyes and my subtle, but ever present, arthritic rock on. Not to mention the fact that I am in fact, eating a hot dog on 5th Avenue at 3:30 in the morning.

My current self is totally judging my last night self...psht, loser-ville central. Although, I definitely did some judging of my own last night, as witnessed here:
Em is always a good help at judging me as well--keeps me grounded, you know. This judgement is most definitely at antics relating, but not limited to insanity. 

Or, let's be honest, at the bachelorette party-goers drinking out of penis straws at The Standard. 

Really, bachelorette party girls? Penis straws? 
Judgements galore.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Queen BAMF

Happy Diamond Jubilee to the Queen of all of the BAMFs.

Here's lookin' at you, Queen Elizabeth II.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Summer in the City

Hey, Interwebz, guess what?

 It's kindof summer outside! After a few hellish weeks of nasto humidity and thunderstorms, one can only assume that this crockpot of summer goodness is here to stay--at least for the next 3-4 months. For some ungodly reason I am actually somewhat excited about the oppressive heat, humidity, and all around smelliness that is New York in the summertime.

I think it's mostly because this summer brings the following things:

5. Brimfield! I am so excited to go hunting for new-old furnishings galore!
4. Popsicles! I am of the belief that popsicles should have their own food group. They are the perfect snack on a sticky, hot day: instant cool down. Am I right, or am I right?
3. Picnics! Every summer my trusty gang and myself go on picnics, which most of the time, include games of Uno, Jello, good times and Polaroid cameras...which brings me to my #2....
2. Polaroids! There's just something magical about waiting for that photo to develop that cannot be emulated by any sort of Instagram-type device. (Although, I am quite a hypocrite, as I do enjoy the Instagram as well. But my first love will always be film. Romantical. Sigh.) The photos are even more magical in the summer with the faded colors of the summer-summer-summertime light.

and the #1 reason I'm excited about this summer is...

1. RELOCATION! After testing out the waters as Uptown Girls, Em and I have decided that we were not meant to be posh sophisticates (or at least I'm not, she's still on the fence about living in a $30 million apartment that she saw in the NY Times Real Estate section...) and are meant to be living across the river in Brooklyn! Home of good pizza, crazy hipsters, and good times with our friends (all of which still live there!) I'm so excited, I've already started looking for an apartment, way too early...BUT I DON'T CARE!


Please Don't Fuck It Up.

Best article about dating I've read in awhile. Had me laughing...whilst in the office. The quiet office.

Some highly hilarious highlights:
"In other words, when a gentleman you might have intentions on banging does this to you, when he strikes you with the flat of his hand in a friendly way, it is instantly made clear that you are never ever ever in your life going to get that man spread out naked on your My Little Pony bedsheets. Even if you push your boobs right up under your chin and tiptoe past him a hundred times in your trashiest slutbag hookersuit, homeboy is probably not going to tap that."


 "I said to myself, "Self, you don't deserve this. You still pee in the shower, and you haven't done a sit-up since 1996. Please don't fuck it up."

I think that I need to blow these up and hand them out to people on the regular. It could be my schtick.

And also a pre-apology for any rudeness and or douchey-ness that ensues during the course of our interactions.

 Yes. Let's.
My lipstick matches the color-blocked wedges I'm wearing today. Just in case you were wondering, interwebz, I am that cool.
