So, Interwebz, as you probz already know (due to mah lack of posting) that I was away this past week--well lack of posting, and the fact that I told you that I was. California was epic-sauce! So super amazeballz, even though we had the bit of
rough-patch travel at the beginning the trip was a majah success, babay!
So, you can feel like you were there with me (I know you were uuber jelly Interwebz, don't lie...) I've decided to create a list of 10 Interesting Points of Interest from my trip out west.
Here goes (in descending order no less...)
Interesting Points of Interest from Mah Trip out West:10. Touring the Queen Mary: found some majah orbiez!
9. Driving along the Pacific Coast Highway: a little scary, but beeeautiful
8. Alcatraz: I now know that I don't ever want to get put in the clink--take me off that list of people you would rob a bank with. You know who you are.
7. Walking tour of Height/Ashbury with a pretty crazypants hippie named Izu and her husband Eco (like the eco-system). She was at Woodstock and was personal friends with Jerry Garcia. Epic-sauce.
6. Stumbled upon a beach literally COVERED with elephant seals. So cute!
5. Moke getting pulled over in LA for talking on his cell phone. He wasn't talking on his cell phone, but lowering his glasses so he could read the GPS. The cop didn't believe him--but luckily Moke got let off with just a warning because he was a tourist. Using your tourist-y-ness to your advantage? EPIC-TOURIST-A+ FOR MOKE!
4. Monterey Bay Aquarium. I forgot how much I love aquariums. Fish are so cute.
3. Beautiful weather! I got a little bit of a tan--now I'm not transparent!
2. Using Ronald! So many 'roidz to share!
1. Kayaking in Monterey Bay: got super close to harbor seals, otter and sea lions! AMAZEBALLZ!
Do you feel like you were there with me now, Interwebz?
The fruits of Ronald's labor will be posted soon!