Wednesday, March 31, 2010


SNASK from Mike Crozier on Vimeo.





Procrastination from Johnny Kelly on Vimeo.

What a way to procrastinate! Watchin' a video about procrastination. Epicsauce. Homework tonight? Probzki, but not for a bit.

Break-Up Letter

Dear Future Boyfriend,

If you ever break up with me via letter, at least have the decency to draw yourself riding a more epicsauce animal. A shark. A bear. A liger. But, a giraffe? Really? Pick something a bit more manly if you want me to take your break up letter seriously. Otherwise, I will ignore it. Fo' cereal.



Monday, March 29, 2010

Recently Re-Discovered: Anyone? Anyone?

Cure from the rainy day blues=80's movies epicness

First we watched Better Off Dead featuring the amazeballz John Cusack, and now we are watching Ferris Bueller's Day Off starring Matthew Broderick. Ferris is one of my most favorite movies of all time! OF ALL TIME!

"Not that I condone fascism, or any -ism for that matter. -Ism's in my opinion are not good. A person should not believe in an -ism, he should believe in himself. I quote John Lennon, "I don't believe in Beatles, I just believe in me." Good point there. After all, he was the walrus. I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

Words to live by.


You should follow me on Twitter--it's pretty lamesauce, but I'm trying it out


Speachless. This is amazeballz.


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Food Fighing, Now Allowed.

Conquer your food...with these amazeballz lightsaber chopsticks!

Even I would eat Sushi with these...EPICSAUCE!


Gaga Nation

Check out this Lady Gaga art done by artist Craig Gleason! It's crazypants how much George turns Gaga! Super hilar! (click on photos to make them larger)

I think I like her Paparazzi sunglasses one the best...


Fist Full of Fur

This video, titled, Fist Full of Fur, was done through use of stop motion--using 5,205 photos! That's crazypants. I really like the scene when they are driving in the cab--preet lights! Ch-ch-check it out!

Fist Full Of Fur from Ummm Productions on Vimeo.


Ronald Scarf!? I Want.

Ch-ch-check out this Ronald-Roid-eriffic scarf!

I would lobve to have it, Interwebz. An early end-of-the-school-year-Abby-is-oh-so-epic present perhaps?


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Action! Action! Action!

Have you ever wanted your pants to wink at passer-by?

No? Why not!? Maybe this video will change your mind...

Surprise! FLOWERZ!

Ch-ch-check out this awesome ad for room spray. I would love to surprise people with this in my bathroom! EPIC.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Recently Discovered: Questions?

Oh hay, so I have been convinced to get a formspring, so dahling Interwebz (and people readin' about the faboosh life in the Cave of Wonders) you should ask me questions! HUZZAH!

cl-cl-click here

Golden Food=FABULOUS!

This is so crazypants-awesome! I would bling out mah veg in a heartbeat. It might make it taste way more EPIC!




I WANTZ ONE, INTERWEBZ! Make it happen.


T.V. Theme Songz!

This is the same guy. Playing music. With himself.


Pogo Stick Painting=epic

Pogoism - painting with pogo sticks! from artstartgrant on Vimeo.

I would lobve to try this, Interwebz!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Death Star Watermelonz?!

Need one. Or maybe 2. 3 tops...

ccccchhhhhhk ccccccchhhhhk Luke, I am your snacky-treat.


Dogs as Type? EPIC.

This is amazeballz, Interwebz!



Capsule Hotel - 9 Hours from Christoph on Vimeo.

I would stay there--would be interesting, if only for a night. Good for airports too--remember Chi-Town, Interwebz?


I cannot wait.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ronald-licious 'Roidz from California

Here is a selection of photos that I took whilst in California with mah deah friend Ronald!

Enjoy, Interwebz!

Huzzah for 'roidz!

Music Lyric Prints

Ch-ch-check out these amazeballz posters by a designer named Milo (no last name, Milo?) who uses song lyrics, fabziez typography and bright colors to make his designs POP!


I love music lyrics don't you, Interwebz?

Monday, March 22, 2010


Oh Em Gee!

I love Jon Burgerman! Check out these time-lapse videos of him drawing a mural at the AOL headquarters and then of the AOL staff painting it in.


Drawing the Mural

Painting it in

I love me so monstahz.


Recently Discovered: Matchbox Madnezz

Oh wow. I just recently discovered this awesome music video for the Navigators. Designer, Pavel Fuksa designed 178 different matchboxes to follow the lyrics of the song. Uuber ambitious and OH SO EPIC!

Some of the matchboxes



Uuber Cute



Cali-for-nia, Cali-for-nia

So, Interwebz, as you probz already know (due to mah lack of posting) that I was away this past week--well lack of posting, and the fact that I told you that I was. California was epic-sauce! So super amazeballz, even though we had the bit of rough-patch travel at the beginning the trip was a majah success, babay!


So, you can feel like you were there with me (I know you were uuber jelly Interwebz, don't lie...) I've decided to create a list of 10 Interesting Points of Interest from my trip out west.

Here goes (in descending order no less...)

Interesting Points of Interest from Mah Trip out West:

10. Touring the Queen Mary: found some majah orbiez!

9. Driving along the Pacific Coast Highway: a little scary, but beeeautiful

8. Alcatraz: I now know that I don't ever want to get put in the clink--take me off that list of people you would rob a bank with. You know who you are.

7. Walking tour of Height/Ashbury with a pretty crazypants hippie named Izu and her husband Eco (like the eco-system). She was at Woodstock and was personal friends with Jerry Garcia. Epic-sauce.

6. Stumbled upon a beach literally COVERED with elephant seals. So cute!

5. Moke getting pulled over in LA for talking on his cell phone. He wasn't talking on his cell phone, but lowering his glasses so he could read the GPS. The cop didn't believe him--but luckily Moke got let off with just a warning because he was a tourist. Using your tourist-y-ness to your advantage? EPIC-TOURIST-A+ FOR MOKE!

4. Monterey Bay Aquarium. I forgot how much I love aquariums. Fish are so cute.

3. Beautiful weather! I got a little bit of a tan--now I'm not transparent!

2. Using Ronald! So many 'roidz to share!

1. Kayaking in Monterey Bay: got super close to harbor seals, otter and sea lions! AMAZEBALLZ!

Do you feel like you were there with me now, Interwebz?

The fruits of Ronald's labor will be posted soon!

Is That your Knee? Could it Be!?

I hope that the next time we ChatRoulette, we get to chizatt with Ben-Freakin'-Folds!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Bad Joke of the Day #3


Why was the chicken happy?
Everything was eggcellent.

bahahaha epic.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Oh Mah Gawdz

Today was the longest day evah.

I woke up at 7 to finish packing and get ready to leave for the airportby 10, then got to the airport, checked in and through security within 45 minutes. Our flight wasn't until 1, so we had time to kill.

We got lunch, played some cards and then went to sit down by our gate. Around 1:05 we were wondering why they hadn't announced our flight, so we went to ask at the desk and we had COMPLETELY MISSED our flight. While sitting at the gate. Apparently they announced it several times and called our names. SEVEN OF US DIDN'T HEAR IT. SEVEN!

So redic. I've never missed a flight before, and it's particularly embarrassing that I missed it not by being stuck in traffic or sleeping late, but by sitting in the gate next door and not being able to hear an announcement. UUBER LAMESAUCE!

So, after a few hours..ok 6 and a half...of trying to catch a flight to California, we decided to cut our trip in half-ish...thus, tonight I am in Chi-town. City of deep dish, Kanye and the Cubs.

Tomorrow I will be flying to LA (heeeeeeerrrrrrppppfully.)

le sigh!

Spring Break: Part I

Today was my first official day of SPRING BREAK, Interwebz! It was filled to the brim take a gander:

-Appointment in Providence
-Fix problem with insurance by going to Moke's office
-Returned some books that Tato had bought
-Ran some errands at the mall
-Eye Doctor's appointment
-Laundromat (oh yeah, I brought home all dirty clothes, like any college student would--and it turns out that our washing machine at home is brizoken--FAILBLOG!)
-CVS run whilst waiting for laundry to launder

.........It's amazing what you can get done if you wake up at 6:30 am.

Cheah. 6-freakin'-thirty. I havn't woken up that early since high school. EPICFAIL.

I also got to have dinner with one of mah BFF-Besties--JoPo at our favorite restaurant, Red Stripe! EPIC-ly LARGE salads & the best fries EVAHHH!

We then and went to see The Last Station--kindof ehh, the acting was really good (and James McAvoy was uuber sexpot) but the story was lacking a bit, which was too bad. It had the makin'z of a good story, but it moved so fast; I couldn't follow. Preet unfortunate.

Tomorrow I'm leaving for California with my family, HUZZAH! I can't wait for the warm & the sunshine!

I'll try and keep you posted, Interwebz, but I'm not going to promise anything...

Friday, March 12, 2010

Tonight I'm Not Takin' No Calls, 'Cause I Be Dancin'

Awesome music video, EPIC CLOTHES, but I don't really get it?

Can you explain plz, Interwebz???

Scan it, Scan it Good.

This video was done with still images all from a scanner. Preeeettty epic, if I do say so myself, Interwebz.

Memoirs of a Scanner (Martinibomb Version) from Damon Stea on Vimeo.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bad Joke of the Day #2


What do you call a fish with no eyes?

A fsh


Oh Sheesh, Y'all!

This is prolly mah fav Jake & Amir video yet...

Listening to middle school music and getting made fun of for it=pretty much mah life in a nutshell, so....

Bowling for Soup from Amir on Vimeo.

Bon Jovi Finger Puppet?! Sign Me Up!

Oh. My. Gawd.

Why? Just, why?

Bob Dylan finger puppet

Bon Jovi finger puppet

Madonna finger puppet

Mr. T finger puppet

Jersey Shore finger puppets

The Jersey Shore ones are prolly mah fave. GTL babay, GTL.


10 Things To Be Thankful For (Even Though it's not T-Give)

1. It has finally felt like spring in New York this week!
2. I haven't had to pull too many all nighters this semester (cross yah fingahz for me Interwebz)
3. I get to see my family and my puppies in 23 hours! eee!
4. I am not this guy's pillow
5. In 2 days and about 10 hours of travel time, I will be in sunny, sunny, warm California visiting family and taking pictures with Ronald
6. My new computer battery--being able to use my 'top while it's not plugged in has been epic!
7. Home & U--an amazeballz store that sold me my new Spiderman and Fantastic Four hologram cups. SO AWESOME.
8. The shower stayed a constant warm temperature when I was in this morning (it's the little things, Interwebz....)
9. Bubbly Water. Best thing since sliced bread. 'Nuff Said.
10. My comfy bed (and getting a full night's sleep tonight! eeee!)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ronald Amour

Interwebz, you know my luuurrrve for Ronald, my fujifilm instax camera. I'm so excited to take more pictures with him over my Spring break since all of the Florida pics with Libby came out so epic! eeeeeeeeee!

To tide myself over, I've decided to upload a few photorific-photos that I took with Ronald when I was in London this past January. Enjoy, dearest Interwebz!

Oh Ronald...I lurve you. Oh so mucho.

Bad Joke of the Day #1

New thing:

Bad Joke of the day. Because that's fun, and will be hilar. Starting today. Epic-ness will ensue.

-What did the mermaid do last Sunday night?
- She went to sea a movie!


Aminalz Lurve!

Epic aminalz on a poster! I wannna get one!

via yay!everyday

ps lurve the colored triangles!

So, Are You?

Preet! I want a print of this.

via yay!everyday