Sunday, February 28, 2010


Something New to Try!

Must try next time I'm on Chatroulette, Interwebz!

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Interwebz, I am:

Friday, February 26, 2010

Crazy Eyebrows


Fighting=Not Funsies


O.M.G. Snowmageddon

Snowmageddon has struck again.

RIDICULOUS! It's been snowing for the past day and it's not stopping until well into the day tomorrow. DAGGER!

I'm not the only one fearing the cold, nasty snow, Interwebz. Think of the poor weathermen and women! See what happens when they try to brave the snow and ice. FAIL.

Why Study Home Economics?

Oh wow....

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


or else Abby will get sick!


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Probably True...

"A parent’s only as good as their dumbest kid. If one wins a Nobel Prize but the other gets robbed by a hooker, you failed."

via Shit My Dad Says

Instant Gratification

Interwebz. I have a new love in my life.

His name is Ronald and he is my new fujifilm instant camera. HELLZ YESH, Interwebz! When we were visiting family in Florida, Libby and I got to use Ronald and he supplied us with fun times :)

Oh Ronald...I'm looking forward to more good times with you, my love!

The Secret to Happiness? Sign Me Up!

New York Magazine published an awesome article titled 50 Steps to Happiness

I personally like the ones that say to help other people--that always makes me feel happier, Interwebz!

A puppy wouldn't hurt either...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Not Funsies.

So, my apartment feels like this:


I'm wearing boots and 2 sweaters. WHY, INTERWEBZ, WHY!?

Going to the store to buy chicken noodle soup and hot chocolate! (And maybe a thermometer...I think I might be coming down with something, AGAIN. le sigh.)

Cross your fingers for me Interwebs!

The Man Your Man Could Smell Like.

I'm on a horse.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Get Off the Roads!

So, Libby got her permit today, Interwebz. GAH! So scary! It makes me feel so old...

Libby & me on my first day of Kindergarten. Now she towers over me. Yeah. I know.

In honor of her triumph over the evil DMV today, I thought that I would post some awesome retro-car graphics that I recently discovered on A Cup of Jo that I really love!

I want to drive all of these cars. Not that I would give up Flo, but, I mean, come on...these look pretty awesome to cruise around in!

Wonderful graphics by Stephane Massa-Bidal

Belated, but BOVERED! All the Same...

Happy belated Valentine's Day, dahling Interwebz!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Recently Discovered

So, Interwebz, I'm going to start a weekly/bi-weekly/every-other-weekly/whenever-I-feel-like-it-eekly post called "Recently Discovered"--where I will share some fun and interesting things that I have recently discovered! Sound like a plan!?

Ok then! Here goes!

I have recently discovered a blog called "Shit My Dad Says". SUPER HILARIAL, Interwebz! I noticed that the idea has been picked up by CBS to do a show? Congrats to the son who's father says such funny things! (And the father who says them, obviously...)

Here are a few of my favorite quotes:

"Happy birthday, I didn’t get you a present…Oh, Mom got you one? Well, that’s from me then too, unless it’s shitty."

"No, you can not borrow my t-shirt…How about instead of standing there looking shocked, you do your fucking laundry?"

"We didn’t have a prom. Dancing wasn’t allowed…What’s Footloose?…That’s the plot of the movie? That sounds like a pile of shit."

"Oh please, you practically invented lazy. People should have to call you and ask for the rights to lazy before they use it."

"I just did an hour on the gym machine. I'm sweaty and I have to shit. Where's my fannypack, this workout is over."


Super funny.

This is my Dad and my Grammy at my Aunt and Uncles wedding. Check out that 'stache!


So, today Brooklyn had a taste of the Snowpocolypse that has been hitting Maryland and D.C.! Pratt actually canceled classes.....YESTERDAY AT 2:00!

Crazy-pants, I know... As of 45 minutes ago, when my roommate measured the snow on our fire escape, we have gotten 8 inches of snow! GAH! INSANITY!

I've been huddled inside all day eating popcorn and playing Taboo with my roommates. I couldn't bring myself to brave the cold and trek to studio, hopefully I won't regret it later! I almost wish that they would cancel classes tomorrow as well, that would make for a nice short 2 day week for me, Interwebz! Huzzah!

Of course, I've probably jinxed it now. Oh, well, better get back to sketching!

Canada? Really!?

Hilarial, Interwebz.

....Canada? Really?!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


This my little sister, Interwebz! Her birthday is next week--she's turning 16! She will be on the road soon--stay off the roads, eeeeee!

She is going away this weekend--a surprise for her birthday. Hopefully, she likes where Tato is taking her!

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Overreaction of the decade? Me thinks so, Interwebz. Me thinks so.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Pretty schweet

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


As you know Interwebz, I've got an obsession.


Sadly, it doesn't return until April (dagger!) but luckily the whole world seems to be obsessed right along side me...thus this parody from Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: