Monday, November 16, 2009

Power Chord

Look at what I found when looking around the Interwebz today, dear Interwebz!

It's an electronic guitar T-SHIRT. Now, for only $30 people don't have to look like a fool playing the air guitar in public--they can look like a fool playing their t-shirt in public.

Take it from someone who has mastered the air guitar, there's a big difference. I want this shirt, but as my roommate pointed out, if I played it, I would look like I was feeling myself up. Not hot, Interwebz. Not hot.

Maybe a boob-friendly shirt is in the works?

ps: The drum shirt is also totes amazeballz. I wann'em.

pps: I love the epic dance moves. Must learn for parties and the like.

1 comment:

  1. THAT IS AMAZING. They need to make a bass shirt. Boob-friendly or not, I would rock the shit out of that.
