Tuesday, November 24, 2009



"See these? These are records. I'm just breaking them."

Hilarial, Interwebz. Hilarial.

Of corse, now I want chocolate. FACK.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


I just discovered this amazeballz blog, Interwebz! It's called 1000 Awesome Things and low and behold #669 was totes up my alley!


le sigh. I love that noise.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

As Long As You Love Me, Babaaay

Hilarial. I especially like the woman who doesn't partake in the singing and dancing--you can tell that she is their office's "Angela". Kill joy.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Power Chord

Look at what I found when looking around the Interwebz today, dear Interwebz!

It's an electronic guitar T-SHIRT. Now, for only $30 people don't have to look like a fool playing the air guitar in public--they can look like a fool playing their t-shirt in public.

Take it from someone who has mastered the air guitar, there's a big difference. I want this shirt, but as my roommate pointed out, if I played it, I would look like I was feeling myself up. Not hot, Interwebz. Not hot.

Maybe a boob-friendly shirt is in the works?

ps: The drum shirt is also totes amazeballz. I wann'em.

pps: I love the epic dance moves. Must learn for parties and the like.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hi, Neighbor!

Tonight, I'm sitting in studio quite literally waiting for glue to dry. Just sitting here and waiting the hour or so for the glue to harden so I can glue another piece on to my project. Not entertaining, Interwebz, not at all.

To entertain myself I decided to start watching one of my all time favorite movies; the 1954, Audrey Hepburn version of Sabrina. It's so great--black and white--with great acting! Bogart! Hepburn! In love--or pretending to be! I am such a sap, so, obvi, I love this movie Interwebz.

I think that if I ever became an actress, this would be the role that I would want. So bad. It's so glamourous--backyard summer parties with champagne, Paris, mansions on the North Shore of Long Island.

So beautiful. I wish we could still live like they did in this movie, Interwebz.

"Oh, never resist an impulse, Sabrina. Especially if it's terrible."

Monday, November 9, 2009

Pretty Patterns

Pretty, pretty, pretty. Interwebz, don't you love the pretty patterns? I do.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Dear Old Love

Interwebz, I've been following this blog for awhile, like a year. I love reading the funny (sometimes sappy) submissions and imagining the people writing them. What happened to make him so angry? Why can't she get over him--was he really that perfect? Why SO many sexual innuendos?!

I have made a few submissions to the site over the past year, just for funsies, to see if they would get posted; and last week one was! Can you guess which one is mine dear Interwebz? Can you?

ps They have a book now. I might just have to purchase it, Interwebz, I just might.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Better, Better, Better, Waaaaaaaaaa

I found this while procrastinating today. Enjoy, Interwebz. It made me giggle!

(via swissmiss)

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Sickness sucks.