Tuesday, December 29, 2009


So before we all scurried off to our respective hometowns for break, my friend Cayla (aka Guy # 1) and I threw a MOOOOOSTACHE birthday party for our friend, Emily!

Everyone was required to wear the 'stache of their choice, and there were many different 'staches to see...I personally think we all look 'stache-tastic in mooostaches!

Lauren & I

Cayla & Perri

Sarah & Cayla

Lauren, Me, Cayla and Emily--So distinguished in our 'staches!

Grumpy Gills

Today I woke up late--my alarm didn't go off. Not the best way to start off the day, Interwebz.

Then when I got in the shower, I remembered that I should have bought conditioner while I was out yesterday. DAGGER.

THEN I was late for my eyebrow waxing appointment. I detest being late, but apparently, Interwebz, being late is an integral part of being the person known as Abby--i.e. me.

And to top it all off, my left blinker isn't working on mah dahling Flo--as in "Hi I'm Deb--this is my sister Flo..." (that would be my car. Obviously I named her after a crazy fish's reflection in Finding Nemo--vvvhy is that vvveird?!) so I couldn't change lanes in time on I-95 and I had to get on to 195 and then re-get on the highway. MERH!

Hopefully the day will get better from here, dear Interwebz.

"The best is yet to be!"- Robert Browning

(hopefully that applies to today as well...)

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Gutentaug, Interwebz!

I just finished my last final. Do you know what that means?

I'M BACK! WITH A VENGEANCE! Also, it means that I will be creating my own website for designer-ly things like portfolios and the like. So, yesh. This break will be a blog/interwebz filled one. JOY!

And also cookies. And London. And maybe watching reruns of Glee on Hulu...no but fo'cereal. There will be Glee being watched.

Fo' cereal, Interwebz. Fo' cereal.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It's Finals, Betch!


Interwebz, it's finals time yet again...and I am not in the mood to work. Bad? I think so.

Oh well, time for a bit of time in the stude.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009



"See these? These are records. I'm just breaking them."

Hilarial, Interwebz. Hilarial.

Of corse, now I want chocolate. FACK.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


I just discovered this amazeballz blog, Interwebz! It's called 1000 Awesome Things and low and behold #669 was totes up my alley!


le sigh. I love that noise.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

As Long As You Love Me, Babaaay

Hilarial. I especially like the woman who doesn't partake in the singing and dancing--you can tell that she is their office's "Angela". Kill joy.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Power Chord

Look at what I found when looking around the Interwebz today, dear Interwebz!

It's an electronic guitar T-SHIRT. Now, for only $30 people don't have to look like a fool playing the air guitar in public--they can look like a fool playing their t-shirt in public.

Take it from someone who has mastered the air guitar, there's a big difference. I want this shirt, but as my roommate pointed out, if I played it, I would look like I was feeling myself up. Not hot, Interwebz. Not hot.

Maybe a boob-friendly shirt is in the works?

ps: The drum shirt is also totes amazeballz. I wann'em.

pps: I love the epic dance moves. Must learn for parties and the like.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hi, Neighbor!

Tonight, I'm sitting in studio quite literally waiting for glue to dry. Just sitting here and waiting the hour or so for the glue to harden so I can glue another piece on to my project. Not entertaining, Interwebz, not at all.

To entertain myself I decided to start watching one of my all time favorite movies; the 1954, Audrey Hepburn version of Sabrina. It's so great--black and white--with great acting! Bogart! Hepburn! In love--or pretending to be! I am such a sap, so, obvi, I love this movie Interwebz.

I think that if I ever became an actress, this would be the role that I would want. So bad. It's so glamourous--backyard summer parties with champagne, Paris, mansions on the North Shore of Long Island.

So beautiful. I wish we could still live like they did in this movie, Interwebz.

"Oh, never resist an impulse, Sabrina. Especially if it's terrible."

Monday, November 9, 2009

Pretty Patterns

Pretty, pretty, pretty. Interwebz, don't you love the pretty patterns? I do.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Dear Old Love

Interwebz, I've been following this blog for awhile, like a year. I love reading the funny (sometimes sappy) submissions and imagining the people writing them. What happened to make him so angry? Why can't she get over him--was he really that perfect? Why SO many sexual innuendos?!

I have made a few submissions to the site over the past year, just for funsies, to see if they would get posted; and last week one was! Can you guess which one is mine dear Interwebz? Can you?

ps They have a book now. I might just have to purchase it, Interwebz, I just might.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Better, Better, Better, Waaaaaaaaaa

I found this while procrastinating today. Enjoy, Interwebz. It made me giggle!

(via swissmiss)

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Sickness sucks.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away

So, today--and throughout all last week--it's been gross, cold and rainy. Leaving me feeling gross, cold and wet.

Interwebz, during these times of weather woes I try to lighten my mood by listening to fun playlists including happy songs such as:




Music=happiness, Interwebz, fo' realzies. For now, even though my little Cave
of Wonders is cold and I can hear the rain outside, I'm in a semi-good mood! (I
would be in a much better mood if I could talk to my BFF-Bestie right now, but
alas, midterms and readings have taken first priority. And also the fact that my
BFF-Bestie is unreachable at the moment...)

Shame, shame, shame.

But, at least I've got great, happy, tunage to get me through this Sunday night!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Some Days..

Some days I feel like a Marc Johns drawing. Like yesterday.

Yesterday I felt like this:

Today I feel like this:

And this:

Tomorrow maybe I'll feel like this:

But, what I really need to think about is this:

Because that's funsies!

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Day of Firsts

Today was a day of "firsts."

1. I understood what was going on in my Solidworks class--She can be taught, Ladies & Gents! It's not a lost cause!

2. I got three pickles for the price of one in the cafeteria. That NEVER happens!

3. It felt like the real first day of Fall. Windy, with a crispness in the air.

4. I turned blue foam on the lathe. It was major funsies.

5. I accidentally stopped to talk to a creepy guy sitting on my stoop. Now, Interwebz, if you know me, normally I wouldn't have even looked in his direction. Remember the situation I got into with "girl-I-like-your-styyyyyle" Interwebz? That was not pleasant. I thought I had learned my lesson, but alas, I still attract all the creepsters. Le sigh.

6. Tonight was my first all-nighter of the semester because I have a huge project due tomorrow.

And finally...

7. I turned 20, never been 20 before, Interwebz! When I received a phone call from Tato this morning, wishing me a Happy Birthday, she informed me that I was starting my third decade. FACK. That's scary stuff right there. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I still have a bit of the Peter Pan syndrome goin' on. Not gonna lie.

Hopefully I will celebrate this weekend since the most celebrating I did today was saying "WAHOO! I'M DONE!"...after 8 hours on the computer.

So, I searched "pickles" and this was one of the first images that came up. Kindof creepy. Kindof hilarious.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Where Are Those Wild Things?

I cannot wait until this movie comes out! It looks so faboosh! So cute! I love the posters advertising it too--the font really fits the theme of MONSTERS!!! (If you don't already know by now, Interwebz, I loves me some monstahz!)

This book kindof scared me when I was little, but I think that I will be able to handle it now....hopefully.

Stash Me Up, Scotty.

I want these. Totally made me giggle!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Duh-Nuh. Duh-Nuh. Duh-Nuh.

Prepare yourselves Interwebz, it's coming!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Click This



Thursday, October 1, 2009


Wafers are the best cookie in the world-they can play MUSIC!

do bem™ - Açaí Juice 100% fruit (Tic Tic Tac Wafer's Keyboard) from Hardcuore on Vimeo.


Found this today. Hilarious!

Top-sy Turvey

This week in my History of Design class, we watched films by Charles and Ray Eames. I was taken aback by the beautiful stories, colors and quirkiness emanating from each film that we saw.

My favorite was called Tops. Guess what it was about?

Interwebz, you guessed right--TOPS! (Like the toy, not the shirt) I sense a new obsession coming on. Maybe I should start collecting some
colorful tops? ... because, you know that I need more chatshki in my life to fill the cave.

These tops are pretty and colorful!

Look at all of these tops! I wann 'em.

Here is a fun film by Charles and Ray Eames featuring their famous lounge chair.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Top-sy Turvey

This year in my History of Design class, we watched films by Charles and Ray Eames. I was taken aback by the beautiful stories, colors and quirkiness emanating from each film that we saw.

My favorite was called Tops. Guess what it was about?

Interwebz, you guessed right--TOPS! (Like the toy, not the shirt) I sense a new obsession coming on.... Maybe I should start collecting some colorful tops? ... because, you know that I need more chatshki in my life to fill the cave.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Never Losing Suction? Sign Me Up!

My Dad passed on a lot of things to me. His sense of humor, love of art, and his dislike of parmesan cheese, for a start. But one that he doesn't always recognize as a trait that we share is our love of vacuums.

Yes, you read that right--vacuums.

As a family, we own about 7. I personally was gifted with a mini-bag-less for Christmas a few years ago. He's lime green. I call him Dino, and he is my baby.

That's Dino on the left. Isn't he gorgeous?!

A few years ago, my Dad got an even better gift: the Dyson Animal. He walked down to the living room Christmas morning and almost burst out in tears when he saw the gift Santa left--he had wanted a Dyson vacuum his whole life. None of this Hoover or Orick stuff for him, he's a serious vacuum-teer.

I think that if we had waited just a few more years to buy my Dad his Dyson--which is now referred to as his favorite daughter--he would have been even more ecstatic to have gotten my choice for Dyson of the year. Nay, the decade!

In my opinion, the Dyson Ball IS THE MOST SUPER AWESOME FABULICIOUS VACCUM OF ALL TIME. And I mean that. I want one with a fiery passion that burns within my heart of hearts.

Look at the swivel action! Imagine if you didn't have to vacuum in straight lines?! AMAZEBALLZ! (no pun intended)

So beautiful. Fo' realzies. And the ads appeal to the Industrial Design side too--such an awesome product.

So, yeah, I pretty much am in love vacuums. Interwebz, if you could gift me with a Dyson Ball for my birthday, I would be truly grateful.


Dancing Babies and Andy Samberg

Ok, so last night Glee was on. Interwebz, you know how much my heart goes pitter-patter for the Glee...And last night it skipped a few more beats when Beyonce's Single Ladies (You Should Have Put a Ring on it) was a prominent part of the episode.

This song has been haunting me for the past year. Every time I hear it, it gets stuck in my head for days. DAYS, INTERWEBZ! I find myself flipping my hands around pointing to my ring finger and telling strangers that they should have put a ring on it, whilst walking down the street.

It's not healthy.

Not to mention that I am a terrible, terrible dancer. I flail about. It's not pretty.

This baby can do the dance way better than I can. Should I just give up on my Beyonce diva aspirations, interwebz?

Or, maybe it's not so bad that I can't get all of the moves because J.T. can't even get it all the way...

I probably look a lot like Andy when I dance. Just sayin'...

I Think She May Have Said That This One Time...

Just for funsies.

And because http://kanyegate.tumblr.com/ has taken over my life....

And so has Michael Scott....or should I say Michael Scarn?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Growing Pains?

Since last night I randomly posted about toys, I thought, dear interwebz, you should know something about me: I refuse to grow up.

Luckily I'm short, so people will always think that I am a few years younger than I actually am. But, the sands of time do keep a flowin'. I, unlike one of my favorite childhood characters, Peter Pan, do eventually have to graduate from college --gasp!-- get a job --GASP!-- and pay bills --DOUBLE GASP!

So, to console myself about growing up I've decided to chat about my fivvity fave childhood books. Perhaps you will read them, interwebz?

"And for all I know he is sitting there still, under his favorite cork tree, smelling the flowers just quietly. He is very happy."

First up is one that I actually put down as my favorite book on a questionnaire given out by my high school college counseling office. The Story of Ferdinand by Munro Leaf was a favorite of mine and my sister when we were little. Wouldn't you rather smell flowers under a cork tree than kick and snort with the other bulls? I know I would.

"Children have the strangest adventures without being troubled by them."

Obviously, if I want to talk about favorite children's stories, I cannot forget to talk about my all time favorite, Peter Pan and Wendy by J.M. Barrie. I have to admit, when I was little I had the biggest crush on Peter Pan--I mean, who wouldn't? That confidence! That sense of adventure! So soupah sexy to my 8 year-old self... and, okay, my current self. Barrie created a world where I could have adventures fighting pirates, swimming with mermaids, and scolding lost boys--if only in my head.

This almost made me feel better about getting older.

EXCEPT IT DIDN'T. It just made me nostalgic for my childhood.

Le sigh.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Best Toy Ever (or at least for now)

I recently discovered this amazing toy when my sister was visiting. Every time I break it out, people cannot stop playing with it!

We've made necklaces, towers, rings, geometric forms, people, animals...it's crazy! It's so much fun to see what people come up with!

ch-ch-check 'em out!

Newest Obsession

So, for those of you out there (on the interwebz) who know me, have come to realize that I have a new obsession in my life. And that new obsession is Glee.

I can't stop talking about it in civilized company. It is my go-to conversation starter. For realzies! Here is how a typical conversation in Abby-world has been going lately:

Abby: "Have you seen the newest episode of Glee yet?"

Random person: No.

Abby: "It's so gooooooooood, I can't wait until next Wednesday night!!"

Random person: Oh, yeah?

Abby: "Want to listen to the Glee soundtrack? It just so happens, that I have it right here on my iPod!"

Random person: Er....

So, yeah. Glee has pretty much taken over my life. Can I get some sort of glee-tervention? Please?

Marshmallow Willpower

So, yes, I have decided to create a faboosh blog. Get excited people! I came across this hilariously cute video this past week and thought that you (the interwebz) would enjoy it!

Funny story to go along with the video--when I was little I wouldn't want to toast my marshmallows by the fire. Instead when anyone asked me if I was toasting my marshmallow, I would say "yes I am. I am toasting it in my mouth." ...Yes, I was that kid who would eat their s'more's "raw".

Unfortunately for my oven of a mouth, I am now unable to eat a "raw" marshmallow without getting sick. Talent wasted.

Hopefully these kids won't have the same issues as me.