Tuesday, October 25, 2011


My apologies, kittens and dahling Interwebz, for not having been up to date on my posting. Apparently moving from one apartment to another means that the internet gods smite you by not allowing your phone line to work, therefore rendering you interweb-less. Still. For over two months. I feel like I've been returned to the early '90s when there was no internet and playing Barbies was the choice leisure activity.

Hooray for finding new ways to enjoy my time other than withering away in the glowing blue light of a computer! I've been working, then going to my second job, then applying for more jobs (which would be easier if I had the internet, cough cough), sleeping, (sometimes) eating, and then there's that thing, you know, called laundry that legit takes up half of my one day off. I guess this is what "real life" is like. Working and sleeping with snippets of fun times like showering and cleaning my room in between. No fun new hobbies to share. No crazy stories, unless you count that time that I slipped on a jalapeno pepper in Union Square on my way home from work and almost died.

No? Me neither.
