Friday, July 23, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Pouring Perfection

I need this. I've been wanting to learn the differences between fancy caffeinated bevvies for years. Thank you dear, dear Interwebz for providing me with this handy-dandy chart!



Epicsawce Video

OFFF Paris 2010 Sponsors Titles from OFFF on Vimeo.

So cool! I can't pick a favorite story line! So bright and colorful...le sigh!


Monday, July 12, 2010


Fun/Embarrassing fact about Abby, Interwebz: I went to Space Camp when I was a child. Yes. I was just like that nerdy kid in the commercials--I got to fly a simulator rocket. It was epic. I also got to go on the anti-gravity thing that spins you around. Not so epic--kindof makes you feel ill...

I was quite the geek. Not to brag or anything...

Regardless of the weird spinny anti-gravity thing, I still want to (legit) visit outer space.

via via via

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Recently Rediscovered!

I was paroosing the DVD section Target yesterday and I came across the epicness that is seasons 1 & 2 of Dawson's Creek for only $20!!!! Obviously, I had to purchase this wonderful show! The hair! The clothes! The music! The teen angst! THE 90'S!

I've started to lose myself in the drama and awkward relationships--maybe I'll spend the day in "Capeside" and watch Dawson have his first kiss with a fake head that looks like Joey (Which just happened--was really disturbing.), Pacey have an illicit affair with his English teacher, and people discuss things into the ground.

Favorite quote thus far, so hilar: "She could be you...except she's Jen."

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Pacific Star II from Colin Rich on Vimeo.

So awesome! I can't believe that the balloons didn't pop sooner!

Happy Birthday, America!




Libby is going to Africa. Here she is sitting next to her backpack:

She could totes skip the plane fare and ride in her bag. SO BIG! SO JELLY!

{of her trip to Africa, not so much the fact that she has to carry that giant bag!}

I Want to Go To (Live) There. II

Ohmahgawd. Gorgeous house in France. Yes, p-l-z.


Look at that staircase! Geeking out right now. Must contain myself. aghhH!
