Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Dearest Interwebz, if you could gift me with this I would be forever grateful. It's a panoramic camera that you shoot by pulling a string and moving in a circle! So epic!

Like, FOREVER. GRATEFUL, Ronald needs a new friend!


Fluffy McCloud

So cute. I love.

FLUFFY MC CLOUD from conorfinnegan on Vimeo.


Friday, June 25, 2010

I Want to Go (back) to There

I miss this. Summah trip?

ppsht. I wish.


Thursday, June 24, 2010


Apologiez, dear, dear Interwebz. The reason that I haven't been posting as often is because it is SO FREAKIN' HOT OUT.

And in this heat all I want to do is sit in front of a fan and eat ice cubes. All day. (And also, my computer gets really hot) Hot metal does not an ice cube, fewer posts.

You don't want my skin to melt off, do you Interwebz?

...thought so.

Food in Flight

The Huber Experiments - Vol. 1 from The Upthink Lab on Vimeo.

So cool!

I love the orange juice and Fruit Loops! So epic!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Second Day of Summer

So, it's the second day of Summer. Hooray!


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Light Play


EUPHORIE / P.Burst / 02.10 from 1024 on Vimeo.

So Preet! I want to play too!


Schooo Schadd!


It's not very often that Fruit Loops are sad...


Ad that Triangle, Betch!

Tektektektek silly


Saturday, June 19, 2010

TimeLapse Music Video!

O.K. Go=Best music videos ever. YOU THINK I'M LYING?!

Remember this?

Check out their newest video for their song, End Love!

Am I right, or am I right?
(Yeah, you know I'm right.)


Partay in the USA, Babay!

Actually listened to this the whole way through because I was amazed...that I could--sorry, Hannah Montana, er...Miley Cyrus? But this dude totally trumped you with this one...


Just one kweztion though: what's up with the cookies?


Thursday, June 17, 2010


New Blogggg.

Addiction? Perhaps.

Check it out HERE.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I Want to Go to THERE!

Kuroshio Sea - 2nd largest aquarium tank in the world - (song is Please don't go by Barcelona) from Jon Rawlinson on Vimeo.


i want to go to there. so bad. Libby would lobve this!



By far the coolest thing I've found in awhile.

ch-ch-check it out!

Oh man...LOVE!




Have you ever had one of those days where you just want to sleep ALL DAY. (And not do anything else?)

I'm pretty sure that I feel that way today, except I have to go to work. And do work related things all day.

Growing up suckz, Interwebz.

Fo' realzies.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Human Typefaces? Hellz yeah.

So I don't know how old this is, but HILAR.

One complaint, does Comic Sans really have to save the day? It's so uggo and the worst font evvvah.

Just a thought...


Monday, June 14, 2010

I'd go to prom with him ANY day.

Lurve Jason Bateman and Will Arnett.

Bluth Boyz fo' life, baybee!


Epic Illustrations

Ch-ch-check out these epic-sawce funny illustrations by Spanish artist, Alex Noriega.


Words to live by, Interwebz.



These were done by someone who made a fake BP twitter account--super funny.


Last one of the day, pinky promise, Interwebz!

So Easy...

It's almost too easy to pick on BP lately...

So funny, if you try not to think that this actually happened...but with oil and live wildlife.



No doubt Betty White is an expert and could solve this oil crisis.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Art History in a Nutshell

All you need to know. Fo' realzies.


Legit? Hope So!

Interwebz, do you know how long I've been waiting for this day? I would be ecstatic if this became legit. You have no idea!

"keep the pep in the step!"


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fighting the Beib-onicplague.

How many Biebers could you take in a fight? I could take 20 Ninja Biebahz!


I Want to Go To (Live) There.

Love. This. House.

Look! They even have a raised platform bed thingie, like in the cave! MEANT TO BE.


I Wish I Had Cable...

"Relax, we didn't accidentally kill a hooker, we had dinner."



If It Was My Home - Visualizing the BP Oil Spill

So, throwing garbage at it hasn't been working, huh?

Maybe BP should think of another grand idea before the oil actually covers Manhattan...

{it's going to take a crapload of Dawn to clean up those animals!}

Monday, June 7, 2010

Gaga Newz

OMG cccrazy right? Loves it, Interwebz!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunburn Hell.

So, Interwebz, I'm sad to say that my fun-times Memorial Day picnic came with some pain. A sunburned back is never fun. ezpeccially when it gets to be a few days old, like now.

rawr. issues...

what I would have looked like if I hadn't put sunscreen on mah face (minus the fact, that this is a man.)


Ch-ch-check out these epic lights designed by LZF Spain made out of plywood! I want them. So bad. Plz, Interwebz?


Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Interwebz, did I tell you about my new blog? It's called Popsicles & Polaroids--mostly just a place for me to post some epic summer fun documented with my dear friend, Ronald!

Check out this amazeballz picnic we (Ronald, me and our friends) went on over Memorial Day! It was splendiferous!

ChcHcheck out the rest!