Friday, April 30, 2010

Sweet Gun

I'd like to get shot in the face/body with cupcakes. No doubt.

I like the slow-mo sprinkles, epicsauce!


Thursday, April 29, 2010

We Are the Cats



Tea Bags. Expensive Flavor.

Dear Interwebz,

For a nifty-gifty, could you please gift me with Prince William and Harry flavored tea? Queen Elizabeth would be epic too.

Thanks, dahling!



Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It's Betty White, Betch!

Oh my gosh. I lobve me some Betty White!

When I'm an older lady, I hope that I'm just as ferosh as Betty White.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Good to Know.

Tonight I am taking a break from el studio, I need to sleep so I don't go crazypantz (in a bad way).

Tomorrow--back to the grind.


Kweztionable, Interwebz.

I come out of my 3D coma, and you gift me with THIS?!

Mighty kweztionable, Interwebz...


Monday, April 26, 2010

Pretty Much my Life Right Now

Studio. {dagger} Final Projects {dagger} Not Enough Time in the Day {dagger} So Tired {dagger}

Pretty much my life right now.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

EpicSauce Shelving

This is amazeballz shelving designed by Architect David Garcia, Interwebz!

It's CIRCULAR! That's crazypantz!


Violent Delights

Ch-ch-check out this crazypantz chocolate, Interwebz! Omlette, designed these chocolate bombs as a commentary on Mexico's cacao import/export business.

I probski would want to eat the grenade one, it's mah favorite.

When I first discovered these chocolates, the first thought that came into my head was: "AWESOME." The second was: "These amazeballz treats remind me of that thing that is said in Romeo & Juliet" So, naturally I looked it up and posted it for you here, Interwebz.

"These violent delights have violent ends
And in their triumph die, like fire and powder,
Which as they kiss consume."
- William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, 2.3

Lovez this play--and other Shakespearianz obvi. {Except for Hamlet. You know why.}


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

State of Mind

I'll tell you about my horrific week later, Interwebz. Can't right now--too much finalz going on. Merh.


Monday, April 19, 2010

10 a Day

Ch-ch-check out this amazeballz art installation, Interwebz! Artist/designer James Roper folded 10 origami flowers a day...for 10 YEARS. That's crazypantz commitment right there, let me tell you!

Look at all of the flowers!

I want colorful and preet!


You're so crazy, Ophelia!

Oh interwebz, I am slowly beginning to realize how crazy Ophelia really is...

Watching a full length version of Hamlet in my Shakespere class is quite the borefest, Interwebz. I mean, I really, really like to read and watch Shakespere-- I always have-- but I've decided that Hamlet is probably one of my least favorite of Shakespere's plays.

Le sigh.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Gaga Epicnezz

OMG. Interwebz, this is so amazeballz! A cappella version of Lady Gaga's Bad Romance. With full choreography. By University of Oregon's On The Rocks.


I love it.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pretty Prints

Check out these amazeballz prints from Urban Outfitter's new print shop in collaboration with Society6 Artists.

SOOO preet, Interwebz! I would love to have a few to decorate the cave...hint, hint.

I want.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

iPad, SchmiPad.

So, I don't get what the big deal is. The iPad is just a giant iPhone. Why do you need one if you have a laptop or an iPhone?

Kweztionable, Interwebz.

Plus, how do you carry it?!

Ch-ch-check out this hilarial illustration detailing the lengths people will go to, to carry their iPads.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I want to buy some of these rings. I really really like the ones made with the newspaper rubber-bands. EPICSAUCE!

ch-ch-check it out here!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Pixar Character Magic!

I <3 these movies. I also <3 the fact that I am sitting and watching a movie now and not in studio. Even though I am covered in blue foam.



Saturday, April 10, 2010

Beautious Chair

I want one. Interwebz, make it happen.

ps Things will continue to be uuber slow here, on The Cave. Finals continue to ruin my life. Apologies all around.


Thursday, April 8, 2010


Once again, it is that time of the semester--FINALZ BETCH! Hence, my lack of posting.

In addition to finals for all of my classes, I've been working on creating my own website! Crazypants, I know.

It should be up and running soon! I'll let you know when it goes up. It should be within the next week, mailman/finals permitting...

An Apology

I am sorry, dear Interwebz, for dropping you cold the past week or so. I'll try to be more attentive.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Breaking Upwards

They played this at Pratt last week, but I had too much homework, so I couldn't go and see it. I will find a way to see this movie. SOON!

Breaking Upwards Movie Trailer from Breaking Upwards on Vimeo.