Saturday, January 30, 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010

That's Over Here!

Oh, wow Interwebz. So I guess everyone's been talking about the iPad that Apple just came out with. I think its kindof cool, but I'm not too technologically advanced myself, so I don't see myself ever really needing one... My Macbook Pro and I have a close, personal bond--and I'm not ready to trade in for a new computer that I have no relationship with!

(Interwebz, we must work on my attachment to inanimate objects. I'm only hurting myself, Interwebz! Only myself. Le sigh.)

I saw this super funny video about the iPad featuring Pee Wee and his Playhouse friends! I loved that show SO much growing up, and watching this brought me back to those good ol' days.

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

So, dear Interwebz, I'm pretty big on New Year's Resolutions that are fun and that can be achieved--when I was little I used to make Resolutions that I would meet famous people or whatever, I've since learned to make resolutions that are attainable!

I made two last year that I've pretty much stuck with (insert proudness here) and I think I'm going to continue on with them this year, with a few add ons--8 to be exact.

My 10 resolutions for this year, 2010, are:

1. Listen to new music (that I wouldn't normally listen to)--also, rediscover the random music on my iPod.
2. Accept people for who they are and not stress about their differences (even if they are uuber annoying)
3. Drink at least 5 glasses of good ol' H2o a day. Dehydration isn't something to scoff at, Interwebz.
4. Wear more fabulous jewelry. I've been holding out on you.
5. Learn to walk in heels. This could prove difficult Interwebz...I might need dedicated tutoring...and band-aids close at hand.
6. Reach my full potential in class (i.e. not falling asleep in Liberal Arts classes...)
7. Go to more concerts. They are always fun!
8. Find an awesome internship (or two...)
9. Go to the gym on Friday. (Cayla and Lauren- we will actually go.)
10. Relax sometimes

Oh, and I went to this awesome website which will assign you a fabulous resolution!

Mine was:
which I thought was pretty cool.

Friday, January 1, 2010