Sunday, October 18, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away

So, today--and throughout all last week--it's been gross, cold and rainy. Leaving me feeling gross, cold and wet.

Interwebz, during these times of weather woes I try to lighten my mood by listening to fun playlists including happy songs such as:




Music=happiness, Interwebz, fo' realzies. For now, even though my little Cave
of Wonders is cold and I can hear the rain outside, I'm in a semi-good mood! (I
would be in a much better mood if I could talk to my BFF-Bestie right now, but
alas, midterms and readings have taken first priority. And also the fact that my
BFF-Bestie is unreachable at the moment...)

Shame, shame, shame.

But, at least I've got great, happy, tunage to get me through this Sunday night!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Some Days..

Some days I feel like a Marc Johns drawing. Like yesterday.

Yesterday I felt like this:

Today I feel like this:

And this:

Tomorrow maybe I'll feel like this:

But, what I really need to think about is this:

Because that's funsies!

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Day of Firsts

Today was a day of "firsts."

1. I understood what was going on in my Solidworks class--She can be taught, Ladies & Gents! It's not a lost cause!

2. I got three pickles for the price of one in the cafeteria. That NEVER happens!

3. It felt like the real first day of Fall. Windy, with a crispness in the air.

4. I turned blue foam on the lathe. It was major funsies.

5. I accidentally stopped to talk to a creepy guy sitting on my stoop. Now, Interwebz, if you know me, normally I wouldn't have even looked in his direction. Remember the situation I got into with "girl-I-like-your-styyyyyle" Interwebz? That was not pleasant. I thought I had learned my lesson, but alas, I still attract all the creepsters. Le sigh.

6. Tonight was my first all-nighter of the semester because I have a huge project due tomorrow.

And finally...

7. I turned 20, never been 20 before, Interwebz! When I received a phone call from Tato this morning, wishing me a Happy Birthday, she informed me that I was starting my third decade. FACK. That's scary stuff right there. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I still have a bit of the Peter Pan syndrome goin' on. Not gonna lie.

Hopefully I will celebrate this weekend since the most celebrating I did today was saying "WAHOO! I'M DONE!"...after 8 hours on the computer.

So, I searched "pickles" and this was one of the first images that came up. Kindof creepy. Kindof hilarious.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Where Are Those Wild Things?

I cannot wait until this movie comes out! It looks so faboosh! So cute! I love the posters advertising it too--the font really fits the theme of MONSTERS!!! (If you don't already know by now, Interwebz, I loves me some monstahz!)

This book kindof scared me when I was little, but I think that I will be able to handle it now....hopefully.

Stash Me Up, Scotty.

I want these. Totally made me giggle!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Duh-Nuh. Duh-Nuh. Duh-Nuh.

Prepare yourselves Interwebz, it's coming!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Click This


Thursday, October 1, 2009


Wafers are the best cookie in the world-they can play MUSIC!

do bem™ - Açaí Juice 100% fruit (Tic Tic Tac Wafer's Keyboard) from Hardcuore on Vimeo.


Found this today. Hilarious!

Top-sy Turvey

This week in my History of Design class, we watched films by Charles and Ray Eames. I was taken aback by the beautiful stories, colors and quirkiness emanating from each film that we saw.

My favorite was called Tops. Guess what it was about?

Interwebz, you guessed right--TOPS! (Like the toy, not the shirt) I sense a new obsession coming on. Maybe I should start collecting some
colorful tops? ... because, you know that I need more chatshki in my life to fill the cave.

These tops are pretty and colorful!

Look at all of these tops! I wann 'em.

Here is a fun film by Charles and Ray Eames featuring their famous lounge chair.