Today was a day of "firsts."
1. I understood what was going on in my Solidworks class--She can be taught, Ladies & Gents! It's not a lost cause!
2. I got three pickles for the price of one in the cafeteria. That NEVER happens!
3. It felt like the real first day of Fall. Windy, with a crispness in the air.
4. I turned blue foam on the lathe. It was major funsies.
5. I accidentally stopped to talk to a creepy guy sitting on my stoop. Now, Interwebz, if you know me, normally I wouldn't have even looked in his direction. Remember the situation I got into with "girl-I-like-your-styyyyyle" Interwebz? That was not pleasant. I thought I had learned my lesson, but alas, I still attract all the creepsters. Le sigh.
6. Tonight was my first all-nighter of the semester because I have a huge project due tomorrow.
And finally...
7. I turned 20, never been 20 before, Interwebz! When I received a phone call from Tato this morning, wishing me a Happy Birthday, she informed me that I was starting my third decade. FACK. That's scary stuff right there. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I still have a bit of the Peter Pan syndrome goin' on. Not gonna lie.
Hopefully I will celebrate this weekend since the most celebrating I did today was saying "WAHOO! I'M DONE!"...after 8 hours on the computer.
So, I searched "pickles" and this was one of the first images that came up. Kindof creepy. Kindof hilarious.