My Dad passed on a lot of things to me. His sense of humor, love of art, and his dislike of parmesan cheese, for a start. But one that he doesn't always recognize as a trait that we share is our love of vacuums.
Yes, you read that right--vacuums.
As a family, we own about 7. I personally was gifted with a mini-bag-less for Christmas a few years ago. He's lime green. I call him Dino, and he is my baby.
That's Dino on the left. Isn't he gorgeous?!
A few years ago, my Dad got an even better gift: the Dyson Animal. He walked down to the living room Christmas morning and almost burst out in tears when he saw the gift Santa left--he had wanted a Dyson vacuum his whole life. None of this Hoover or Orick stuff for him, he's a serious vacuum-teer.
I think that if we had waited just a few more years to buy my Dad his Dyson--which is now referred to as his favorite daughter--he would have been even more ecstatic to have gotten my choice for Dyson of the year. Nay, the decade!
In my opinion, the Dyson Ball IS THE MOST SUPER AWESOME FABULICIOUS VACCUM OF ALL TIME. And I mean that. I want one with a fiery passion that burns within my heart of hearts.
Look at the swivel action! Imagine if you didn't have to vacuum in straight lines?! AMAZEBALLZ! (no pun intended)
So beautiful. Fo' realzies. And the ads appeal to the Industrial Design side too--such an awesome product.
So, yeah, I pretty much am in love vacuums. Interwebz, if you could gift me with a Dyson Ball for my birthday, I would be truly grateful.